Did you not know
That at the beginning of time
Our union was etched
On the divine tablet when we were nought?
So roar out your rage
My dear dear JASY
To tame these pestilent tiffs
That lovers have which spice their bond
Indeed, I can fathom
My dear dear JASY
The depth of angst of a lover hurt,
And if you make me mad
I shall release my anger;
And lash at you with a feather whip
To imprint on your soul
The sweetness of my rage.
My muse forlorn;
Springs forth verses meant for you
Slicing through my fervent prayers
At Fajr; at the dawn of day.
Sooth your soul, my dear dear JASY
Let the tender breeze from my soul
Forever calm your gentle heart
Did you not know,
That the muse had carved,
On the cicatrix of my heart;
That this poet shall love you forever more?
Suleiman Zailani
4th December, 2024