Beware, O smitten lasses,
Of poets and sages
And the rascals of the written word
When the poet of dust mounts
His unholy pulpit and preaches
His obsession: the apotheosis of the stubborn muse
As Ba Sabouke; His foremost disciple
With fervid eyes and gleaming from his lusty pen
Casts spell on our hapless maidens.
I look on in horror as our lasses swoon
Bewitched by the sorcery of the written word
Rushing headlong to the unholy dalliance
In Sabouke’s lecherous den.
From the plains of Arafat, I croon in delirium
In self amazement,spitting sizzling songs.
As Afrah gazes; dizzy with delight.
Beware, again, O smitten lasses,
Of bards and sages
And the rascals of the written word.
Suleiman Zailani
From my mischievous eyes